Age 2yr 4mo.
My sweet first born is still cuddly and goofy. The only thing that gets any sort of attention span is his HotWheels table. Although he is starting to get into more physic based play, like wooden blocks. He also is able to count to 10. We are still working on taking the memorization of the numbers and learning how to apply them to actually counting objects and items around him. He does this thing where, say there are 3 items in front of him, he will count them to 3 but then keep counting them over and over until he gets to 10. So that is a little bit of a challenge, ha. I imagine thats something he will figure out with age and maturity though. He just gets caught up in the counting. He is also starting colors. He doesnt show that much interest in the subject but I will still point out colors of things, in hopes he is subconciously soaking it in. That's how letters happened. I would talk about them, with little response from him and then one day he just started randomly identifying them on his own. Now, he can identify all of them except Q. He doesnt acknowledge the tiny difference it has from an O. Physically, he is very active and loves to goof off. He will just randomly start running back and forth across the room while emitting some funny noise and laughing about it. He is incredibly independent. At a playground he has no issues with going and doing his thing without having to have me right behind him. This is bittersweet, since as a baby he was quite clingy. It's ok though, because Lorelai enjoys being center of attention. He is definetly not a fighter. I appreciate this but at the same time, I worry about his not wanting to take up for himself. Lorelai, who is almost the same size is a little aggressive sometimes, and she has picked up on the fact that he doesnt really fight back. So, she has taken to picking on him, like taking a toy or hitting him. He of course just cries and comes to me to fix it. So, of course I have to get onto her for being mean but Im trying to also teach them to work it out. I worry that if I always get onto her for being mean, he will take it as Im going to fix any problem he has ever, and wont work it out for himself sometimes. So as independent as he can be, this is one point where he is no where close.
Age 1yr 2mo
This little girl has come with quite a sugar and spice little package. For the most part she likes hugs and sitting nicely in your lap. On the otherhand, she can have one rotten attitude. As I was mentioning above, she takes advantage of her brothers sweet personality and uses it to give him a hard time. Some times she is just downright mean. We have introduced timeouts. It helps some but not for very long periods of time. I think as she gets older and has more to lose when being taken away from playing, it will get more effective. Right now, she can tell she is in trouble but she just doesnt take it that seriously. I wonder if its something that can be helped by maybe going and playing with others at another home. Maybe others a little older who arent such pushovers? I wouldnt want her to get hurt, just maybe get a little taste of her own medicine? I hope that doesnt sound cruel, I just want her to play nicer. She doesnt always play this way, there are many times a day they are playing perfectly nice together but those moments where she chooses to be mean, she is just completely rotten! Its all based around sharing and playing nicely. Im hoping if we just stay on top of it, it will just improve with age and the ability to reason.
Other than that she is getting along nicely in the intelligence department. She has new words often, and loves to try to conversate. She has become OBSESSED with shoes. It doesnt matter if they are pretty little girl shoes or even boring Daddy shoes. She loves them all. I have had to make sure their good wearable shoes get put up, otherwise they get lost because of her wanting to play with them all the time. I grew very tired of constantly having to look for missing shoes because she wanted to carry them around with her. So now she has a couple pairs of outgrown shoes, she can do as she pleases with and the good ones get stored out of reach when not in use. It really makes me giggle at her dad's reaction to one of her first words being shoes. I think its making him worried about our financial future, haha. She has also taken to calling socks, shoes as well. That is something we are trying to get straightened out though. As far as she is concerned, if it goes on your foot in any way its a shoe.
She can also count to 2. She tries to count to 5 but it generally comes out 1225. So its a step in the right direction but not quite accomplished. She really is interested in everything brother does despite being mean to him. So if Im trying to teach him something, she is right there trying to figure it out herself. For example, potty training. I've been working on this quite a bit with Finn lately, and since she cant be left out of anything, it has turned into trying to potty train the both of them. Which, Im actually more than ok with. If I can get them both out of daytime diapers at the same time, then I will take that as a big success for sure. However, she is a little less stubborn about it than him. So I have this little feeling that she will catch on first..haha.
Also, another thing, Lorelai has seemed to come with a sense of humor. She does things like she is joking and loves to be taken as funny. She thinks putting random things on her head is hilarious and thinks making faces is way fun! She also tends to think things her brother does is hilarious. They both got a balloon for Valentine's Day. Finn would take them and bang them together and she would just fall over laughing! Of course, Finn thinks its awesome to make her laugh, so when he catches on that something is making her laugh, there is a good chance its not gonna end. He always seems a little dissapointed when something else gets her attention.
I think this is about all for now. I have myself 2 ever blooming toddlers. These days are filled with bittersweet moments. I love seeing them just be happy little kids but Im also sad that those little kids were my tiny babies. Its amazing what a year or two can really do!
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