Well in the past year, I've noticed it changing a lot. It's not as easy to keep nice, it sheds ALOT and it's just not as healthy. Also, these started showing up
I'm 27! Why? Why hair, have you forsaken me? I've cared for you all this time! Oh, and might I add, they are not just the occasional graying hair. They are full blown bright white. No slowly getting there about it!
Needless to say, I've begun looking into hair coloring ideas. I know there is all that hullabaloo about aging gracefully and I plan to but I need a little more time to accept it! My 20s just isnt fair! Ive come across one that I quite like and plan to look into. On top of this though, I'd also like to restore a little of the general health of my hair. So, I have been toying with the idea of different options. Which is why I'm here. Can someone give me some insight to the "no poo" methods or some good products that will do this. I'm not looking to break the bank, but I'd like to be proud of my hair again. So if you have any ideas, please, let me know!
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