Thursday, November 29, 2012

Disaster Strikes: Kids room

Ive been in my kids room all morning cleaning! I really love that they are independent enough to go play in there for about 30 minutes at a time, nicely, together. But sheesh, it always ends up completely destroyed! Ive been using today to feel some goodwill boxes of odd and end toys that just clutter and are a pain in the butt to pick up everytime. I have the biggest haul to take to them right now! Its been collecting for a couple of months. I made so much head way! Still need to vacuum and straighten their closets. Just sat down for a minute because the kids always act like they desparately need me the minute I look busy. So Im sitting with them for a few minutes. Im mostly trying to make a big enough of a path to get the crib out. Ive decided to go ahead and sell it. Lorelai refuses to sleep in it. She will be ready for a toddler bed before she will ever consider it. So figured I might as well make a profit from her silliness. All that will be in there for now is Finns toddler bed. Lorelai still sleeps in a pack n play in our little dining room nook. Im just not ready to integrate them into the same room at night. They both wake up from time to time and Id rather deal with getting one back down then both of them. Im just glad to be getting the house even more cleaned out. Should like nice and spiffy come this weekend, for Christmas decorating! I really should have taken a before and after picture of their room. But I would have felt a little ashamed of how far I let it get!

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