Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Super Why

My son loves this show. I think some of his letter love actually stems from him watching it. Now, I think the show is very cute and not nearly as annoying as others out there, and since he appears to actually be gaining something from watching I will let him watch an episode here and there.

However, I have one issue with the show. Every episode starts out with a problem making itself known and then before all the super readers are called, Wyatt says "this is a super big problem." Now, I understand dramatic effect but the problems are never that big and it bothers me that they are teaching kids that they should consider tiny issues big problems. I want to teach my children not to interrupt others talking unless they have a big problem. I dont want them running up to me and interrupting because they dont have something to wear to a friends tea party or what not. That's not an interrupting worthy issue but this show portrays such things as, big problems.

Maybe Im making this a super big problem when its not, I just wish they would reconsider their wording on this part. I will still let my littles watch it but I do see a talk about what's really important coming up.

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