Saturday, March 2, 2013

A List of My 14mo Old's Vocabulary

Lorelai's Vocabulary at 14 months old:
Quack, Duck
No, No
Repeats each letter after I say it. O, A & H, she randomly says on her own
Shoes(socks and shoes are both called shoes)
Bye Bye
Peek, Boo
Beep Beep(she likes to beep noses, wont say nose simply says beep beep)

Friday, we had a few errands to run. One being car registration. I dropped my husband and son off for that and took Lorelai with me to run another errand nearby. We knew they were gonna be in line for a while, so knew splitting up was the most efficient. After they finished, Stephen had to take care of something at work and was able to, again, take Finn with him. I needed to take care of an eye exam( I just went to the one in Walmart, since thats where he was going to be) so I took Lorelai with me. Finn is far too curious, busy, and stubborn(just like his Daddy, no fault of mine..teehee) to take to a dr office where Im gonna have to sit and be examined for a few minutes, without the ability to get him out of things every 10 seconds. Lorelai, is a really good listener, still busy and curious, but listens when told no.

In all this splitting up and things, it gave Lorelai and I quite a bit of one on one time. I hadnt realized until really spending this time with just her how many words she was picking up and knew. This list doesnt include all that she chooses to repeat but doesnt reuse. There has even been one incident, that has us watching our mouths a little closer. I am truly continuously surprised by her want to conversate. She points to things and waits for me to tell her what they are. She just wants to be social. Don't get me wrong, there is still plenty of babbly I dont understand, but sadly I dont think it will last long. I really fear the day, there is no baby left in her. Im excited too, but there will definetly be a sense of sadness.

Luckily, Finn is taking his stubborn streak right into talking. I know this kid has a vocabulary and he follows what I say, so he has plenty of comprehension. He just doesnt really care. Unless Im engaging him in an activity that he truly cares about, he doesnt care if we talk. He is a total in his own world kid. Dont get me wrong, he isnt socially awkward or anything, he just gets so absorbed in what he is doing at any given time, sometimes he forgets, social time is happening. My husband is actually exactly the same. If he is concentrating on something, he wouldnt notice a plane landing in our parking lot! All I can say is I hope Finn's future wife is a patient woman. I thought I was, until I married a man who forgets to listen to what I say half the time..haha. I really dont believe or feel anything is wrong with his speech. When he decides to talk, its always understandable and clear. He just doesnt want to pointlessly babble. When it means something he speaks up. For example, the other day he very clearly told his sister "No ma;am." These moments are how I know he pays attention and knows exactly what to say. If he didnt repeat and talk so clearly, I would be more concerned. For safe measure, I had his hearing checked. No issues and dr. doesnt seem worried. He actually knows all the words up there and plus some. He has occasionally said them all. He just doesnt talk as often.

Anyways, I just wanted to get this post down, for myself as much as for others. It will be fun to come back and look at this a little down the road and see the progress for the both of them. What does your family do to work on speaking and language skills? Do you have a stubborn talker as well? Have drs or other reliable sources offered you good tips or advice?


  1. That is so cute. You know, my oldest child did not speak much at all until she was 2 years old. Then she did it in full sentences. I would say to sing, read, and talk as much as you can. Interaction is what she needs and loves. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes we sing a lot, we try reading if he decides to pay atteniotn long enough and I definetly try talking as much as I can. I have a feeling one day it will just start happening, in the meantime, I cant help but worry a little. Its the typical, know he is fine but worry anyway because Im his mom things. Thanks for the comment of reassurance though! I have 2 but the oldest is 2 so Im still fairly new to all this. Learning as I go for sure!
