We all started in the food court and had some late lunch together. For some reason, though, Finn isnt wanting to eat today. Every once in a while every couple of months, he'll have a couple days in a row where he just doesnt have an appetite. It's weird but never lasts long enough for me to truly worry. Im guessing its a couple days for his metabolism to catch up from how much he eats all the other days. He still drinks and eats small snacks, so I just let it go. I figure once he is hungry again he'll come around, and it always happens to be true.
After lunch, we took a nice stroll around the mall and got in some nice exercise. We finally got to the playground and the kids wore themselves out having a good time. Now that they both fully walk and all, they have so much fun at these places. Its always fun to see the favorite things of each. Finn loves to slide over and over. He giggles the whole time and thinks its a complete blast. Lorelai is a little more interested in all the people. She loves to walk around and talk to all the parents sitting on the sides watching their kids play. Occasionally she tries to steal the other kids' shoes. The girl is obsessed I tell ya.
Before leaving the house today, Lorelai seemed very interested in helping pick her clothes out. So I opened their closet door and asked her what she wanted. She pulled out a tutu, a shirt with a puppy on it(that barely fits) and snow boots. I had forgotten about the boots. Someone bought them on clearance and gave them to us. They were way big when we first got them. So I put them up. until she could. Today she found them and pulled them out. Wouldnt you know, they fit. However, its March and chilly. Definetly no snow anywhere. I offered other shoes but she refused me putting them on her feet. So ill fitting shirt, tutu and snow boots it was! She was proud though, so I guess thats what matters.
Here is a picture of her ensemble, with her crazy brother.
My two playing with our friend Mia.
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