Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rare Silence

Im sitting here on the couch with my husband. He is lost in a book with a subject that really doesnt interest me..So with the quiet and thinking, I realized I havent been on here in a few days! Its been a weird week..which included some marital spats but luckily we have worked through those.

Stephen and I have been together for 5 1/2 years married for 3. Our jobs and lives have changed completely since the beginning. With having 2 children and living into our adult lives we started hitting snags purely because we have both evolved and changed some. So I think right now is just a process of almost starting over and learning who we are as people and a couple. It's a work in progress but something tells me its normal. But I think we are both in it for the long haul. Our babies' sweet faces remind us everyday whats important and why we are here..Nothing is more important to us then making sure they have a happy loving home.

The last couple weeks, it has also seemed like we are constantly on the go. The kids, esp Finn, are getting so feels like we spend a lot of time keeping them entertained. Being out of the house, keeps the house cleaner and the kids ready for their bedtimes in the all the way around. However it tends to result in a very tired my nights have been filled with sneaking off to bed as soon as they let me or trying to catch up on Desparate Housewives..Really wanted to enjoy the finale..I got to it a day late but eh works for me..However now im really sad its over. To me watching the show made me feel the way I do when I read a great book..Kept me totally interested the whole time. Now I just feel like a lost some best friends..Im pretty sure Gilmore Girls has some competition for the favorite series top spot!

Well the kids seem to be good and asleep, so I think tonight is another sneak off to bed since I can kind of night!

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