Something anyone reading these should know..I have to clean all the time..Finn has a large sense of curiosity which tends to create a pretty messy house. Ive spent this morning cleaning the living room despite the fact i scrubbed it clean a couple days ago. The kids are hanging out watching Sesame Street (my go to when I need a chance to get something done). Stephen is back at work for 3 days. Already ready for him to be home again.
The good thing about today, Finn learned how to bend down and give sister kisses. He just walked up and did it him self..These moments are what make parenting awesome. He also learned how to cover his eyes and say boo when he moves his hands..We also learned to cover our ears..just a fun way to make him aware of wear they are:)
Hope everyone has a good Monday!
After Finn's nap I decided to let him do a craft for mothers' day for his grandparents..This activity requires making paint out of Jello. Ive made jello before even jello paint but I just totally messed it up..kinda upset about that one! Looks like mothers' day cards are gonna be created from stickers on foam circles with some markers! Thats ok, hopefully the gifts will turn out cute!
Finn has been playing so nicely with Lorelai today! I cant wait til a couple months from now..they are gonna be such great play mates.
Dishes done, the next load of laundry is in and watching Veggie Tales with the kids for a minute..Finn really wanted to cuddle in my lap to watch and as fast as this boy is growing, Im not about to argue
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