1. What is your favorite Christmas color?

Like this! So pretty!
2. What is on your stocking?
My stocking is a pretty dark green color(green is my favorite color the rest of the year). It has an embroidered poinsettia on it and is accented by pretty silver sequins. Each of our stockings have differents designs. Stephen's includes a moose with strings of bells in his antlers. They are attached, so they actually jingle! The kids love it. Lorelai has 2 stockings. Only one gets filled though. The other is a keepsake. When she was first born, a volunteer in the hospital made stocking of felt so big, Lorelai could fit in it. Its completely cute but is way too big to fill up. So with the rest of ours, hangs a more modest stocking(the other one is still out to see during the season though). It is a mix of solid red in places and plaid with black in others. It has felt patches stitched on. It has mittens and ice skates on it as well. Its very pretty for a little girl. Then there is Finn's stocking. It is white with a tree stitched onto it. It is decorated with different sequins and buttons. It has tiny little presents attached under the tree. It also has a cute little mouse hanging out under the tree. I know it only asked about my stocking but I figured it would be fun to tell the other designs it hangs with!
3. What is you favorite Christmas movie?
This is a different now then when I was young. As a child I wore out the vhs tape that held Frosty the Snowman. My parents had to put it up during the nonseasonal months for the sake of their sanity. I loved it!
These days, however I am a huge fan of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I love that Clark Griswald! He truly brings the laughs to the holidays! My father loves the movie, so I have him to thank for this.
4. Describe your tree topper.
Well, it's just a bow. However as soon as everything goes on clearance after Christmas I will be shopping for one we can use in future years. I kind of want a Disney one, so I may be hitting up a Disney store nearby.
5. What is the first Christmas you have memories of?
The first one I really remember is when I was about 5 years old. I remember the matching red and green plaid pajamas my sister and I were wearing. I also remember getting bunk beds! My sister and I shared a room and up to that point a bed. We were both so excited to get to sleep seperately. I know I was 5 because when my dad started putting it together, the label said no children under 6 on top bunk. I remember being worried because I totally wanted the top one! My birthday was only a couple weeks away and I thought my parents would give it to my sister just because of those two weeks. Luckily, the bottom bunk was bigger, so it turns out my sister couldnt have been talked out of that one! She also convinced me that if a monster came into the room, they would absolutely go after the person on the bottom bunk first. So that settled it, I was not sleeping anywhere but the top, lol. Not to mention, my parents had no intentions of making me wait the 2 weeks...lol. All the panic for nothing!
I hope this was an enjoyable read. Again, if you want to carry this over to your blog please let me know! I want to read your answers! If you have questions I could answer in another post. please comment! I would love some good ideas! Im a slave to Google for questions right now. Oh, and most importantly, is this something you guys even want to read? Or am I wasting my time..lol..Guess I should have asked that first..I may keep posting them even if the answer is no, I just like hearing from other people :)
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