Saturday, December 29, 2012

Giraffe Lesson Plan for a 2 Year Old

Time for another way too late at night blog. One of my New Year's Resolutions: Start adding a little structure to Finns life(and by extension Lorelai). We spend time everyday talking and learning but Im not very structured with them. I dont mean I want to treat my 2 year old like he is in school everyday and not allow him to play but he could use some practice with learning how to focus for periods of time. If he can learn to sit and do an activity for even 5 minutes, that will be an improvement. So my goal is to create structure in his life that will make him interested in what we are talking about enough to learn to focus. The bonus will be the information he picks up :) Dont worry, there will still be lots of silly 2 year old play time as well!

In order to help myself keep to this, I have to get a little organized. Im good at creating our activities to achieve what I want him to learn but I know I would do better with creating "lesson plans" to create the activities for. So I came up with my first lesson plan tonight. Its simple and not very long. It will be easy to spend the week on it but not have it be our entire day either. It's also based on what he seems to be interested in right now. He loves letters. He is trying to learn to count to 5(currently it goes something like 12325!). So I'd like to include what I know he is interested in as well as give him new things to be interested in like shapes and colors. Below I will post what I came up with. If anyone has suggestions or ideas let me know! I welcome any input!

Lesson plans for 1st week of January.

Giraffes, Circles, G, 1-5

Animals: Giraffe

Colors: Orange and Yellow=colors of a giraffe

Shapes: Painters tape circles=shape of giraffe spots

Letter G=giraffe, uppercase and lowercase, sounds.

Count to 5=counting  giraffe spots

Field Trips: Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

River Legacy Science Center

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