Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Great Gadget!

 Tonight, like the rest of the parents, I was up late finishing up wrapping gifts and playing Santa. It was a perfect Christmas Eve night. We picked up Stephen from work and drove around looking at Christmas lights in neighborhoods near us. Then we got home, I bathed the kids and got them in their new Christmas jammies(not Christmas themed just gifted for wearing tonight).
We had a pizza dinner and watched Polar Express.
Then we got them tucked into bed and Daddy read Texas Night Before Christmas.
They went to sleep fairly easily but it was pretty late so I didnt expect them to put up much fight tonight.
Now I'm happy to share our evening with you, but the actual purpose of this post it to talk about a gadget I purchased and love.
This is a Scotch Pop-up Handband Tape dispenser.
I am not normally a gagdet person and this seems fairly mundane, but I felt it was good enough to share. However, I bought my tape last minute and this was one of the options left. I think it was fate. It came in like 3 colors but of course I chose pink because Im a girl, lol. Each one came with 3 pads of strips to use in it and I noticed the stock of refills is available next to it(would be pointless to buy if I cant keep using it). I went in considering getting one of those big teacher desk tape dispensers. I always lose the little individual things and I thought if it was something like that it would be harder to lose. I think this is waaay better than the old dispensers though. It reloads incredibly easy(cant say that about the old ones). It also does what it says and makes wrapping gifts a lot simpler. It fits on my hand comfortably and I just all around love it. I bought a second one and intend to keep them both around. Pulling out a precut piece of tape and slapping it on the paper was nicely convenient and I think made wrapping go quicker.
It helped me take care of the entire Santa haul this year and the additional family gifts we are taking with us tomorrow. Anyway, thats mostly all I wanted to get out here.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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