Thursday, December 27, 2012

Second Glance

I wake up everyday telling myself "tonight, Im going to bed earlier." Then I find myself in the wee hours of the morning, writing blogs to settle my mind down for bed. However, I have a little bit of a drive to go to bed soon tonight. I just got done ordering myself a Keurig! Im picking up in the store later today! Im ridiculously excited to pick it up and go shopping for the cups I want to try! The kids are actually going to go play in the morning at a friend's house so Ill have a couple hours to get things done on my own. I have a couple errands and some Christmas money to splurge with. I cant wait! I spend the last month shopping for everyone else. While I love so much going through a store and getting things I think family would love, shopping for myself is so satisfying. I dont get to do it often. In fact I used a little of my Christmas money to get a couple of things for my kids so that while Im out spoiling myself, I dont even have to have that guilt! I cant wait! I hear Old Navy is having some great sales! I definetly see a stop there tomorrow because I really want a peacoat for $20! Who can resist such a good deal? Anywho, I just wanted to come on and talk about this because I everyone in the house is sleeping so I didnt have anyone to spew this excitement on. Another one of my goals tomorrow is to find something to put the tv I bought for my kids room today. It is a totally adorable Pricness tv I found for a great deal on Craigslist(love that site! makes spoiling your kids a little more affordable).The other day I went into my favorite thrift store, and they had a cute primary color desk/stand(not sure its exact purpose) that would be perfect. Im hoping to go back and see it still there(fingers crossed) and they were having 50% off week. If you enjoy thrift shops, I definetly recommend checking out Second Glance on Rufe Snow in North Richland Hills. Pretty much everytime I go in they are doing some kind of sale. Also their proceeds go to help women and children who were victims of domestic abuse. So not only do I leave with awesome deals, I also get to leave feeling like I did something good that day. Win, Win for everyone! In fact when we moved to this apartment we were looking for an entertainment center. We hadnt found any in stores that worked for us. We have all of Stephen's game consoles and ridiculous amount of cords and controllers(the hazard of living with a tech geek). We even still have a vcr. So we were in need of something that holds all of that. The modern ones they make, are made to be sleek for all the tiny dvr boxes and thin Wii conseles. None of them would have fit our stuff and I was sick of the mess of cords and unorganziation of all the stuff. We stumbled across this shop and came across an "older model" entertainment center. It has that wood paneling look but it was in perfect condition for the age it probably is. It had clearly been taken care of..The original price they had it for was $75...thanks to the sale they had going on we paid $25 for it.

Since then, I try to go in a couple times a month because I always leave with something great. Its actually a great place to go for Christmas decor too. They have an entire section dedicated to it basically year around! They also usually have nice couches and furniture. If you're ever in the area, its absolutely worth your time to stop and take a look! And dont forget, it all goes to a good cause. Anyway, thats my second commercial of the day. I am sorry if I seem like an infomercial..but I wouldnt share if I didnt feel strongly about what I find! If I ever have a bad experience somewhere, I promise to share that too. Alright Im finally sleepy, g'night all!

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