Today, I made a lot of progress with Finn and counting. He got to 10(still skips 4 but, eh, we'll work it out.) Lorelai got to 2. Today was simple, we just sat together and used the magnadoodle to practice our counting. I first wrote out each number and let him see what each looked like. I then drew five hearts and we counted them. Once that was successful(again he refuses 4 but i cant convince him of it) I drew out 10 stars. We counted them together. The first time it was simple point each and count. The next couple of times, I wrote the number next to each star as we counted it. Im hoping once we have them down more concrete, to work on groups for each number, so he can recognize what each number really means. For today, we kept it pretty basic, mostly due to I just didnt have creative juices today. However, at naptime, I sat down ready to come up with a make myself activity for them to do. I know our most interesting activity we have done here at home, was the tree we made on the wall in the fall. vvsee below for that post. So Ive drawn up a basic of how I want this activity to go. Im posting a picture of that drawing, do not judge, please. Ha!
Follow the 'Stone Path: Tot School Fun
So here's what Im thinking, this caterpillar will start out with a head(this will probably be constructed from construction paper.) Then I would like to make multicolored & numbered circles for the body. We can put them up in order together. I can make them up to 10 for now and we can add to it as we count further. Then, I would like to also make other numbered shapes. I want these to create a matching game. Once we have the numbered circles up, he can match the numbered shapes to the right circle.
So, once they are in bed for the night, I plan to get to cutting. Hoping we can do this tomorrow. I do want to laminate the pieces but we can do that soon. Hoping to get pictures as it comes to fruition.
What is your favorite counting activity?
Just stopping by to say hi and you have a nice blog, take a swing by mine if you have a chance
OOh you cook! I could definetly stop there..maybe Ill learn something! I dont have a very good learning curve in the kitchen.