Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lazy Tuesday

Today, in Fort Worth, TX we are under flash flood warnings. That's unfortunate because just last night, I looked at my husband and said "Today was a really pretty day, lets take the kids to the park tomorrow so they can enjoy the weather." I guess I should have checked the weather first. So today has just been a simple at home day. Do any of your husbands play any video games? This is what mine is doing today. I honestly dont mind him playing some but I know when he turns them on I will have to pry him off when I need him and I might as well be talking to myself during his session. Now he works hard, so I feel it is fair to allow him some time to play. After all, he let me sleep in today and go to a movie alone with a friend the other night. I just wish video games werent such brain suckers. He has been working on Final Fantasy 13. I had suspicion that Finn would be into the games and would be the one to probably copy his father. However, while Stephen is playing, Finn is busy driving his HotWheel across every available surface in the place. Lorelai, on the hand, has found a little nook next to her father and is glued! I cant believe how much it is holding her attention. They are so cute in their own little world over there. Im using the oppurtunity to put away laundry and write this blog. While, I dont love his need to play games, at least it allows me to be temporarily unneeded. Dont worry I wont allow her to just sit around and watch for a long time.

As I look out the window, its to the point of just being drippy, I think I may suggest going to eat soon. I just want to get out for a while. I feel the need for interaction with the outside world today. I dont either one of us feels up to cooking dinner today either. Just one of those days, ya know? What is everyone here doing for dinner? Anything yummy on the menu? Does anyone have good crock pot recipes? My husband is off tomorrow as well and I feel like it would be a great day for a yummy crock pot creation. Im not wanting stew, I want something new. So if you have suggestions, please leave them for me!

In the meantime, this post isnt terribly exciting so I will say good bye! Hope you all are having a great Tuesday!


  1. I live in canada and im looking at a snowbank about 4 ft high...its below freezing and my husband is off too..be ause he slipped on ice and broke his ankle had a big surgery and will be home for 6 months..want to switch for a few days..lol..im just envious of the weather..

  2. Haha, I would NEVER survive where you are! Sorry about your husband that sounds like a horrible ordeal! I do not handle cold well at all! I always just want to shrivel up and be a hermit during the cold weeks(yes only weeks here in Texas, haha).
