Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Odd LIfe of Timothy Green!

Tonight we curled up on the couch and watched The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Since I even heard of the movie, I wanted to see it. I just had a feeling I would really enjoy it. I was proven right! This movie is so enjoyable. It had such a pleasant vibe to it. There was a twinge of magic to it(It is Disney afterall), just enough to leave you with the "what if" feeling. It was a very curious storyline and kept the viewer interested. It really takes the entire movie to truly understand what he really is and how he is there. I never got bored. It was also very clean and a good watch for kids. Our kids seemed to enjoy watching it with us. If you get the chance or need a good family movie night, I highly recommend it. The movie deals a lot with have differences from others. It would provide a great oppurtunity to talk about acceptance of others with your children. I think that is such an excellent bonus. I am already certain, once our kids are able to understand the conversation, we will revisit this movie as a way to open up the discussion. I was also just looking and there are actually quite a couple of pins that have lessons related to the movie. here is one example for you! Its a great watch and Id recommend it to anyone!

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