Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Museum Day!

Today, was a museum day, or well afternoon. Stephen had to be at work early today and wasnt able to take lunch until one. So the kids and I had a nice breakfast and I had everyone bathed and ready to go once he got home. Once there I was pleasantly surprised to find the museum almost empty. Ive noticed in the past mornings are very busy, while afternoons slow down more. Also the Fort Worth Stockshow and Rodeo is going on right now, its in the same square as the museum. So it was getting all the traffic today. My kids practically had the Childrens area to themselves. It was quiet enough they were able to roam and explore. Lorelai quickly found the "hospital" area. This area includes a mock ambulance(kid sized), interactive Xray exhibit and a little nursery with dolls. She was all over that. At one point, she was walking around the area with 4 of them. She loves to play little momma!

While she played mommy, I worked with Finn on some motor skill fun using some wooden blocks they have. It was a lesson in motor skill and physics for him. They are wooden and all different shapes so he really had to consider how to stack so they didnt fall. However, after a bit, he started making it his goal to make them fall, haha. Gotta have some fun right?

Then they both wondered to the tot sized grocery store. This area is amazing, they have a bunch of tiny shopping carts and shelves stocked with food items. They have all sort of plastic vegetables and realistic looking food. It was enjoyable to have the oppurtunity to work on a little vocabulary and colors.

Once they had thoroughly checked out everything, we headed outdoors. They have a very fun area they call their dino dig. Its basically a large creatively made sand box. They have mock bones and fossils burried throughout it. The kids get to pick tools and go at it. My two found it to be a huge hit..Its the first time we really went and played in it in all the times we went, I wanted to wait til Lorelai could walk and have fun too. Plus she is finally getting over the whole needing to put everything in her mouth thing. So it was a lot of fun for them today.

To the left of what's in this picture, is a stream of water. We ended our trip, with a very wet Finn from his knees down. He decided he wanted to try wading in it. By the time I got to him it was a lost cause, haha. Oh well, kids and clothes dry right? Im just glad we were having such nice warm weather. He didnt freeze his little hiney off!

That was all of the excitement for the day. I literally can no longer keep my eyes open, so I will conclude for tonight!

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