As said in my previous post, I took the kids to BooBash Saturday night. At that point putting on Lorelai's costume was difficult but it went on. Today, I try to put it go! She literally grew out of her costume in 4 days! This is why I call her my little Chub o' Love..Very fitting, I tell ya!
Luckily, I have great Mommy improve skills. I also bought her an adorable little Halloween themed dress. It has a moon and kitty on the front, so looks like Im picking up a hat and taking her as a witch! Im sure she be the cutest little witch Ive ever seen! Cant believe how fast she grows!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween!
Wow, so I said I would write blogs throughout the weekend..yeah, oops. We were just having too much fun as a family, to take time away from them. Unfortunately, we didn't end up making Friday's playdate but the rest of the weekend was a lot of fun!
We went Saturday night to Boo Bash. At first it was a little miserable because it was WAY too crowded. So the kids and I just strolled around and looked at things for a bit. We spent time with our friends and enjoyed that. About the last 20 minutes, we had some more friends join us. By then it had settled down some, so I took the kids back through to Trick or Treat before the booths closed up shop. It was a lot of fun at that point. Of course, it was starting to get a little too chilly for my comfort, so we left after we went down the line of booths.
We went Saturday night to Boo Bash. At first it was a little miserable because it was WAY too crowded. So the kids and I just strolled around and looked at things for a bit. We spent time with our friends and enjoyed that. About the last 20 minutes, we had some more friends join us. By then it had settled down some, so I took the kids back through to Trick or Treat before the booths closed up shop. It was a lot of fun at that point. Of course, it was starting to get a little too chilly for my comfort, so we left after we went down the line of booths.
At the beginning, ready for fun. Well Finn is anyway!
We picked up Daddy from work and headed home to get some sleep before the next busy day.
Sunday morning we slept mostly til we woke(or parents slept until kids decided we were done, haha. Thanks to the night before, it was a smidgen later than usual).
We headed out to Grapevine Mall for some fun with our friends.
I had everyone dress up a little so we could take a cute picture at the pumpkin patch later.
When I dress them up like this, it always gives me flashbacks to the days of being a little girl and making sure I dressed my dolls everyday. I love it! So much of our life is playdates, running errands or just home. Not much reason to really dress up there.
After going through some stores, we left for the pumpkin patch. We arrived just before dusk. The weather was perfect, The crowd was dying down a bit. It was a great time to get out and enjoy the fresh air and have some fun! Of course upon arrival, we looked back to find two sleeping babes. So we gave them about 20 more minutes, before unloading, to ensure positive attitudes.
I loved them providing wagons to use! Technically they were for hauling pumpkins but, hey, they weigh about the same. They had spent so much time in the stroller at the mall, I was happy they would get to do something a little fun and different. It allowed for easily getting in and out to see everything. It is weird though, last year it was only Finn in the wagon. It's crazy to be reminded so much of time passing like this. Now he rides with a buddy. I was fairly impressed with how well they both sat and rode together, nicely. I honestly didnt expect it. I thought they would see it like the buggy at the store and try to climb out, every chance they received!
We went for a hayride, took a nice stroll around the farm and through the large pumpkin patch, we played in the hay bales, admired the character cutouts they had around and just had a great time!
Of course before we left, we took a couple pictures amongst the pumpkins!
Happy Harvest 2012!
Today is Halloween. I cant wait to take my babies Trick or Treating. Since we do not know the area all that well, we are forgoing door to door and partaking in some fun at the local mall. They provide fun festivities and trick or treating. Luckily Stephen gets off work at 6, so he gets to join us! It will be nice to have both of us, so that I can let Finn actually walk and do his Trick or Treating! I cant wait!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Winterizing Mommy
This morning, I woke up with chilly goosebumps! It was coooold! I get out of bed, walk to the closet and realized a problem! Over the last month, I have been prepping the kids closets and even part of my husbands, for a day like this. Of course, like many ladies, I hadnt made time or budget allowances for my own winterizing yet!
This time 2 years ago, I had just had a baby and this time last year, I was a month and a half away from giving birth to baby #2. So all my stuff was sweats and maternity clothes. So this year, I actually have to rebuild a winter wardrobe. However, to get me through for now, I made an emergency Target trip! I was able to find some cute and (best part) nicely priced tops to last until I can make a more efficient shopping trip!
So for you proshoppers out there, what are your tips for shopping efficiently and budget friendly? Keep in mind, I'm rebuilding a wardrobe so cost efficient is important! Who has the best sales? Also, Im no skinny minny, so what's a great place to shop, when you have curves? All input is welcome!
This time 2 years ago, I had just had a baby and this time last year, I was a month and a half away from giving birth to baby #2. So all my stuff was sweats and maternity clothes. So this year, I actually have to rebuild a winter wardrobe. However, to get me through for now, I made an emergency Target trip! I was able to find some cute and (best part) nicely priced tops to last until I can make a more efficient shopping trip!
So for you proshoppers out there, what are your tips for shopping efficiently and budget friendly? Keep in mind, I'm rebuilding a wardrobe so cost efficient is important! Who has the best sales? Also, Im no skinny minny, so what's a great place to shop, when you have curves? All input is welcome!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Full of Fall Weekend Ahead
It's officially Friday! Go ahead, take a moment to cheer :) While Stephen isn't off until Sunday and Monday, I'm excited because the kids and I are planning to start a little fun without him. Friday morning we are looking forward to a play date with our mommy and kids playgroup which will be fall influenced. Saturday evening the kids and I will be going to a local event called Boo Bash. I'm so excited. Our friend's little girl will be performing with her 4 year old dance class(who can resist little cuties in tutus?). After that it will be a big Halloween festival of fun. Sunday, we will finally have Daddy with us! We will be meeting up with our friends again(We are with them a lot, so Ill start referring to them as the E family, yeah their last name starts with E too). We our heading out to Grapevine/Flower Mound for the day. Flower Mound has a HUGE and super fun pumpkin patch with so much to do for the kids. Hoping for some fall fun and cute pictures! When finished there, we are gonna spend some time at Grapevine Mills Mall.
So far these are the plans, who knows what spontaneity will spring into action as well! Hoping to write some blogs throughout with cute pictures to post. Stay Tuned!
So far these are the plans, who knows what spontaneity will spring into action as well! Hoping to write some blogs throughout with cute pictures to post. Stay Tuned!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tuesday..Playgrounds, Mud and Growing Minds!
I know it is said all the time but babies really do grow in the blink of an eye. I was really thinking about this Sunday evening when I took the littles out to the playground. We have been to this playground numerous times. It's such a way to see them progress though. Everytime we go back they can do more and more. When we first moved here, Finn was crawling and not even a year old yet. We werent even really able to use the playground. Its covered in sand (which he saw as edible) and it requires a good deal of climbing to use.
The over the last year and a half, though, its been so fun to watch him slowly grow into using it. My rule of thumb is if he has the thought skills to know how to use it he is big enough. I dont like to hover over my children, I like to stand a safe distance back and see what they can do. To me keeping your children from doing things that could maybe on an off chance get them hurt is almost a waste of their intelligence. Of course, keep them from doing obvious harmful things but I have friends who just over think everything to a point it is almost hard for their children to have any fun. Thats where my rule came from. If they have the physical and mental capability to do it then obviously they are ready for it. On that note, the rule means I dont put my kid on something they cant get up and down from. I dont stick them on tall playground equipment unless they have shown they know how to get down safely.
The last couple months Finn has been trying to get up the ladder on this playground. He gets on the first rung and doesnt know what to do from there. He knows once he is up there to slide down though. So we have slowly been working on our ladder skills, ill guide him up and he'll safely slide down. This week we went out and he made it up all 4 rungs! He only didnt seem to know how to coordinate climbing from the rung onto the platform it leads to. Maybe next time? I love stepping back and watching his little wheels turn though!
The over the last year and a half, though, its been so fun to watch him slowly grow into using it. My rule of thumb is if he has the thought skills to know how to use it he is big enough. I dont like to hover over my children, I like to stand a safe distance back and see what they can do. To me keeping your children from doing things that could maybe on an off chance get them hurt is almost a waste of their intelligence. Of course, keep them from doing obvious harmful things but I have friends who just over think everything to a point it is almost hard for their children to have any fun. Thats where my rule came from. If they have the physical and mental capability to do it then obviously they are ready for it. On that note, the rule means I dont put my kid on something they cant get up and down from. I dont stick them on tall playground equipment unless they have shown they know how to get down safely.
The last couple months Finn has been trying to get up the ladder on this playground. He gets on the first rung and doesnt know what to do from there. He knows once he is up there to slide down though. So we have slowly been working on our ladder skills, ill guide him up and he'll safely slide down. This week we went out and he made it up all 4 rungs! He only didnt seem to know how to coordinate climbing from the rung onto the platform it leads to. Maybe next time? I love stepping back and watching his little wheels turn though!
My little monkey figuring out the ladder
Excited to slide!
And on the side, I watched my little girl bear crawling around in the grass(God forbid she touch too much grass haha). I watched her bear crawl up and sit one the edge of the playground watching her brother with great intent. Im sure its only a matter of time before she is on that bottom rung! That night was the first time she tried to stand straight up with out assistance. Didnt quite make it but it was awesome effort!
She tried so hard to stand up!
She eventually gave up, bear crawled over and stood back up on me.
After about and hour or so it started getting dark and my side was getting sore again. I decided to start rounding them up to go inside. By now, Finn had been wondering around in the grass surrounding the play area. I was just watching him explore the grass, leaves and bugs on the sidewalk. Of course, as I make my way to get him on the way to coming inside, that is the moment he discovered.......a mud puddle! Did he go stomping through it? nope. Did he poke a stick in it? nope. Instead my lovely little boy decided to take a more drastic approach, he trudged through it and sat. Of course he began to splash it everywhere.
A true mom always takes a picture before fixing the problem:)
There he is, pants falling down his booty and sitting in the mud as if thats just what you are suppose to do..
Of course, I pulled him out and covered my own self in the squishiness. It was inside and straight to the tub for the both of them. I'd get to clean up eventually, haha. Lucky for him Im pretty laid back about these things. Despite the ickiness, Im glad he enjoyed it. I couldnt even be mad he was enjoying it too much. Luckily kids were made washable. He and his sister spent a good hour enjoying the bath after, so all was well!
Plus it made for some worn out and ready for bed children!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Campfire fun!
Tonight, we loaded up the littles and headed to Hurst for the fun Campfire Stories event!
The whole area was decorated so fun and festive. Balloons were adorable. The trees had lanterns leading up the path ..there were fun haybales every where to sit on. A nice campfire to roast marshmallows on. Also, they even thought to add a place to take pictures!
After the stories, and the people began to thin out, we broke out some marshmallows and roasted them with our friends.
The kids seemed to have a whole new energy upon getting out of the house! I think I did a little too!
The Texas fall air was nice. We were also happy to see some friends! The kids surprised me with good behavior while the storytelling was happening.
Talking with her daddy :)
Finn was more than happy to cuddle with Mommy
There were 2 or 3 story tellers, with interesting tales. The kids didnt understand much but we grown ups enjoyed it.
After the stories, and the people began to thin out, we broke out some marshmallows and roasted them with our friends.
MMM..the only thing in the world that taste good because it was burned!
Lorelai implanted herself in the middle of a family(friends of ours) since they had a nice supply of food. Here she is with her friend(who was born the evening before her) bumming some marshmallows.
She thought the eating part of tonight was fantastic, lol.
Swear the girl acts like we starve her but just look at her sweet baby thighs, they speak the truth!
While all the fun took place at a park, this park is actually really nicely designed! If you drive far enough into it, the pavillion area where the event was held(also where Finns birthday party was held) its all nice and open, with all the trees to walk through. Just a nice patch of nature. This is what Finn loved. He was completely mesmerized, of course, by the open campfire but he loved having the freedom to roam a bit. I was always within feet behind him but I stayed back enough to let him feel he was getting to choose where he was going(not something mr 2 yr old gets often). He thought it was so awesome!
My independent little man!
Our group closed down the event. By the time we were done having our fun and leaving, they were cleaning up everything around us. So we all made the trek back to our vehicles and came home. We came back and I bathed our marshmallow covered children and tucked them into bed. Luckily they had worn themselves out and were asleep in no time.
I really enjoyed taking them out and enjoying our time together!
Friday Night Excitement!
Tonight, Hurst, a nearby town to us, is hosting a Campfire Storytime in one of their parks. Im so excited to take the kids! I think it will be a lot of fun! Stephen is off so it will be a family outing, and if the kids dont want to sit for the stories there is a playground! Which is likely to happen but you never know! Im thinking if we time naps just right we could get some great behavior haha!
This morning(well afternoon by now haha) Im trying to do a little chore catch up. Laundry has get to be the sworn enemy of almost every housewife! Seems so never ending! I feel so exceedingly accomplished on the rare occasion I actually get caught up! Funny what all makes you happy as an adult.
Hopefully, my next post will have some great campfire pictures!
This morning(well afternoon by now haha) Im trying to do a little chore catch up. Laundry has get to be the sworn enemy of almost every housewife! Seems so never ending! I feel so exceedingly accomplished on the rare occasion I actually get caught up! Funny what all makes you happy as an adult.
Hopefully, my next post will have some great campfire pictures!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sherlock Holmes Costume for the Hubs...advice please!
As my husband and I were relaxing in our living room tonight, he decides to inform me that he found out 2 weeks ago there is going to be a costume contest at work. So I have couple weeks and not very much extra allowance in our budget(had to pay a sitter the last couple of days unexpectedly, when I was not able to take care of them while dealing with my issues). After some brain storming, Ive decided to get a costume together for him to go as Sherlock Holmes. He is a big reader, so I think it will suit him well. Do any of you have advice for putting together budget friendly costumes? I plan to definetly hit up Goodwill soon. Luckily I live in an area where I have access to a lot of them! A week ago I ordered him a peacoat anyways, so that part should be taken care of. What do you invision going into a Sherlock Holmes costume? All advice is welcome!
One more questions for you wives out there, how long does it take your husband to deliver information to you?
One more questions for you wives out there, how long does it take your husband to deliver information to you?
A Day in the Life for Mrs. Eyestone
I had an excellent day with my kids. So I thought today would be a great day to write an answer to #12 From the survey in my blog post "While the Trains Bang..." Now considering I have a 2 year old and a 10 month old who grow and change every day, there is no such thing as "typical" right now. Generally, though, the days are pretty much based around the kids. Mornings and sometimes his skipped nap time are filled with his tot school activities..In the mornings, I usually try to involve Lorelai to play with us as well. I love to have some kind of exercise fun..I will get them to "Follow the leader" as best they can or sometimes we do things like turn on music and have a dance party. We like to spend afternoons at the playground. Nights are for dinner and bathtime. Also, the kids usually get to stay up until Stephen gets home. Just for some example, here is how today went. Hope you enjoy it!
A day in the life…
Today the kids were awake and ready to play by 8am. Mommy wasn’t
feeling so great but eh, they don’t care, haha. I got them up and fed them mini
pancakes for breakfast.Then got them dressed for the day. With how I felt the
last couple of days, I hadn’t had much quality time with them. So today the
plan was to suck it up as much as possible.
Over the past weekend a bought a bag of mini pumpkins. The intention is
to bring out the finger paint soon and let the 2 of them go at it, but that’s for
a day when Daddy is off work and can enjoy it too. So today I got them out so
we could talk about them. We discussed the letter P, their color and stems, as
well as, texture. They both enjoyed how the size of them fit in their hands, of
course sister went for a taste test, luckily I didn’t have to worry too much! I
think they will be super excited when we paint them!
We read some books. After that, I turned on our toddler
Pandora station and encouraged them to dance and get some good exercise. Then
we had a little lunch with some leaf shaped sugar cookies I had baked for them.
Such a rare treat that they gobbled up within seconds.
At that point, they were both getting a little grumpy so I
layed them both down for naps, and after switching over laundry, spending some
time on Pinterest, I caught some snoozing on the couch too.
Once we all woke again, I heard some other kids outside
playing, so I decided to get them their snacks to take outside. We spent about an hour out playing and
enjoying the weather. They both LOVE being outside so it was pretty perfect.
We came back in once they were hungry again and had some
dinner. Now they are bathed and bouncing around the living room. As soon as
Daddy gets home to see them for a few minutes, it’s definetly off to bed time.
It was a fantastic day with my kiddos :)
MIA and Future Plans
Well I went MIA for a couple of days. dealing with some not so fun complications from the kidney procedure I had..Apparently, Im passing 4-5 good size stones right now. I spent the last couple days having to ask our sitter help with the kids during the day until Stephen could come home and take over..Today has been a little better. So glad. I was really missing my sweet babies..I spent the morning cleaning up their room, bathing them and of course playing with them. Poor things acted like they hadnt seen my in weeks.
Now they are having naps and Im on pinterest looking at Christmas decor ideas..I know, I know, I hate when Christmas talk starts prematurely as well. However, this year is the first time we will have our little family to really enjoy it. I want to plan in advance a little so that we can make the most of it! I am also wanting to invest in some more decor, and in order to do it budget friendly, its gonna take a little planning. I pinned some lovely things today.
Check out ideas I have found so far!
Does your Pinterest profile have a Christmas board? If so please link me!
Lorelai's 1st birthday is December 14th but we arent having her actual party until January. So it's gonna be a whole month of planning.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Family time
As the kids woke from their afternoon naps, we were finishing up Rock of Ages. Once over, my husband cooked us a yummy meal...
Spaghetti with chicken
Now the tots are both bathed and playing around the house until bedtime...Im sooo ready! haha..Momma is feeling quite sleepy tonight as well. Hoping they get to sleep about the same time as my husband's work clothes finish running through the laundry!
While Im sitting here, may as well work on another survey question from another post of mine;postID=7673942867893345756
It's always hard to decide on one to answer..tonight may be a partial answer to one that requires a few parts...Im thinking I could talk about some pet peeves from #11
1. Having anyone put their feet on me...The only people allowed to are my 2 kids(because I take them the places they go and know where they have been..and I wash them) and on rare occasions, my husbands(for guys' feet they arent so bad..ive seen a lot worse..and it can only occur right after he showers). I think any other time its gross and rude. This extends to touching other peoples socks as well..and dont even think I will carry someone elses shoes by anything other than the laces!
2. When people eat and bite their silverware as they put food in their mouth. All you have to do is use your lips to get it off, nooo teeth needed!
3. When Im swimming, I do not like people splashing water in my face..again rude
4. When I get hurt or am in pain or even in anticipation of something that is about to hurt, I do not want to hear: "oh its ok" "almost done" "are you ok" or anything along those lines..I prefer to breathe and suffer in silence haha...One of the reasons I love the dr that delivered my babies is she wasnt like that at all! She was very knowledgeable of her field and while delivering my 2 kids via csection was kind enough to refrain from comforting in that way but instead just told me what she was doing along the way..I appreciated more than I could ever tell her! The first child, my drugs didnt work and I felt the entire csection..and when Stephen was sitting next to me trying to comfort and talking about our cat...i could have decked him! Im not bitchy unless Im in pain!
Thats the only ones I can think of for now...
What are some of your pet peeves?
How do you handle pain?
Spaghetti with chicken
Please excuse that I was using a tupperware container for a bowl. My husband had just started the dishwasher that contained all the normal bowls.
Finn waiting to be served.
Once we all had eaten, we all got comfortable in the living room(of course kids didnt stay still the whole time but they went between playing and chilling in our laps..and of course dancing to any song that came on the movie). We turned on the Lorax to watch for the 1st time..We all really enoyed the adorable movie.
Relaxing on Daddy with animal crackers for the movie. Now the tots are both bathed and playing around the house until bedtime...Im sooo ready! haha..Momma is feeling quite sleepy tonight as well. Hoping they get to sleep about the same time as my husband's work clothes finish running through the laundry!
While Im sitting here, may as well work on another survey question from another post of mine;postID=7673942867893345756
It's always hard to decide on one to answer..tonight may be a partial answer to one that requires a few parts...Im thinking I could talk about some pet peeves from #11
1. Having anyone put their feet on me...The only people allowed to are my 2 kids(because I take them the places they go and know where they have been..and I wash them) and on rare occasions, my husbands(for guys' feet they arent so bad..ive seen a lot worse..and it can only occur right after he showers). I think any other time its gross and rude. This extends to touching other peoples socks as well..and dont even think I will carry someone elses shoes by anything other than the laces!
2. When people eat and bite their silverware as they put food in their mouth. All you have to do is use your lips to get it off, nooo teeth needed!
3. When Im swimming, I do not like people splashing water in my face..again rude
4. When I get hurt or am in pain or even in anticipation of something that is about to hurt, I do not want to hear: "oh its ok" "almost done" "are you ok" or anything along those lines..I prefer to breathe and suffer in silence haha...One of the reasons I love the dr that delivered my babies is she wasnt like that at all! She was very knowledgeable of her field and while delivering my 2 kids via csection was kind enough to refrain from comforting in that way but instead just told me what she was doing along the way..I appreciated more than I could ever tell her! The first child, my drugs didnt work and I felt the entire csection..and when Stephen was sitting next to me trying to comfort and talking about our cat...i could have decked him! Im not bitchy unless Im in pain!
Thats the only ones I can think of for now...
What are some of your pet peeves?
How do you handle pain?
Rock of Ages..While I Watch far pretty cheesy but once I start a movie I usually have to finish it..Good thing I like musicals..even if it involves a good bit of autotune...
And Alec Baldwin, looks ridiculous..Im sure I will have more to say later...
And Alec Baldwin, looks ridiculous..Im sure I will have more to say later...
My husband, who also rather enjoys musicals..actually got up to do dishes while it plays..haha, just a little taste of how cheesy we are talking here
To the point of my husband and I starting to assume the cheesiness is intentional..if
Just a Fun Little Morsel for You
Dear Wife,
I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.
Your EX-Husband
P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!
Dear Ex-Husband
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care.
Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!
P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem.
Dear Wife,
I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.
Your EX-Husband
P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!
Dear Ex-Husband
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care.
Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!
P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem.
Instead of Raggedy Ann..
Well I got up this morning, to go run quick errands to finish putting together Miss Lorelai's Raggedy Ann costume..But as I made my stops, the plans I had for it kept falling apart. So instead I acted fast and came up with a new character concept..Strawberry fairy!! I ended up loving it regardless! It ended up just making me super excited for the dance years!
Finns costume worked out his actual size does not have a lot of choices for costumes...we ended up with a 3t costume..but after we trimmed the sleeves down, it worked brilliantly!
The party was a lot of fun, I loved seeing a couple of my favorite people Lucy and Lori.
Finns costume worked out his actual size does not have a lot of choices for costumes...we ended up with a 3t costume..but after we trimmed the sleeves down, it worked brilliantly!
The party was a lot of fun, I loved seeing a couple of my favorite people Lucy and Lori.
L to R: Me, Lucy and Lori
Lucy is one of Lorelai's favorite this picture Lucy was blowing bubbles for her..
Of course we ended with taking a picture of all of our cuties :)
A typical picture of youngsters...
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Rock of Ages
I love musicals, and I really love a lot of the music advertised to be in this...How many of you have seen it? I dont trust professional critics..cus frankly Ill sit through bad movies the same as a good one..yeah I dont know whats wrong with me haha..But I do like to know what normal movie watchers think about movies. Im hoping to watch it in the next week..Meant to in theaters, just never made it out..Leave a comment with you opinions please!
Momma's Pride
By the way, one of the reasons I have wanted to start my blog is, to keep up with my ever changing children. So I keep notes on my phone when they accomplish something. I am gonna probably start writing some posts dedicated to that. Im probably gonna post more about our activities everyday. I wanna be able to pull this up in a month from now and say "wow, look how much they've learned" it makes me proud and toots my horn when they learn a lot! I LOVE playing school with my children. I keep it at their level of intrust always. At this stage, it's all about play to learn! When my son decides to pull out his brigade of dump trucks, we count, talk about size or even speed. Not to mention, the various colors. There is always something, to tweak their little minds. It's actually rather humorous, how much faster Lorelai's matures than Finn's. I swear that kid is all boy, but even he cant resist sticking his hand in some finger paint and talking about the color orange.
Finn, working on circles today. started out triangular but he got it soon enough! Trying to teach your child to write? One word..Magnadoodle!!!
Might as well talk about something that amazed me with Finn tonight. I dont know if its necessarily a spark of genius but there is just something so prideful about watching your youngsters figure something out! While we kept our friends' children tonight, we got out their game of elefun. He has never seen the game had no idea what was going on at first. All he knew was the older kids excitement made him very excited about it as well. I held his little catcher net while he watched the older ones doing their thing. I had already tried to just show him what to do but he wasnt up for taking Mom's advice tonight(already a man!). Finally, I start seeing those gears turning. He looks from what they are doing to my hands a couple times and then proceeds to come say "please" with his hand out. I hand it over and watch my little big boy walk up and join his big friends with his net in the air trying to catch the butterflies. He caught 1 and was so stinkin excited! I was so proud of him. Watching him using such common sense and following the leader just made my heart flutter.
L to R ..Lorelai, Jacelyn , Kacen, Peyson and Finn..and of course Stephen my grown up kid in the mix!
In the meantime, I look around to find our food loving 10 month old, taking this oppurtunity to eat her friends' snacks..Guess he isnt the only one with a learning curve!

Might as well talk about something that amazed me with Finn tonight. I dont know if its necessarily a spark of genius but there is just something so prideful about watching your youngsters figure something out! While we kept our friends' children tonight, we got out their game of elefun. He has never seen the game had no idea what was going on at first. All he knew was the older kids excitement made him very excited about it as well. I held his little catcher net while he watched the older ones doing their thing. I had already tried to just show him what to do but he wasnt up for taking Mom's advice tonight(already a man!). Finally, I start seeing those gears turning. He looks from what they are doing to my hands a couple times and then proceeds to come say "please" with his hand out. I hand it over and watch my little big boy walk up and join his big friends with his net in the air trying to catch the butterflies. He caught 1 and was so stinkin excited! I was so proud of him. Watching him using such common sense and following the leader just made my heart flutter.

In the meantime, I look around to find our food loving 10 month old, taking this oppurtunity to eat her friends' snacks..Guess he isnt the only one with a learning curve!
Sunday...far from lazy day!
My feet hit the floor running about 8:30 this morning. I got up to see what I could get done before the kids woke to mess it all up. I was kind enough to let the hubs sleep since he has taken care of me since the procedure. By 11:00, one by one everyone awoke. Breakfast was served and then it was back to chores.
While the cleaning needed to be done in the worse way, we were also getting desparate for some groceries. So I made the deal with my husband, I take the kids to the store with me, you finish living room and kitchen( I knew before I made it he would opt out of kids...after doing a lot of their care this week I know he was ready to pull his hair out).
The kids and I made the 2nd trip in 2 days to our neighborhood Target, to get our groceries.
While the cleaning needed to be done in the worse way, we were also getting desparate for some groceries. So I made the deal with my husband, I take the kids to the store with me, you finish living room and kitchen( I knew before I made it he would opt out of kids...after doing a lot of their care this week I know he was ready to pull his hair out).
The kids and I made the 2nd trip in 2 days to our neighborhood Target, to get our groceries.
About an hour later, we were headed back home. We unloaded the van, I put everything up, which always includes reorganizing the pantry from the messing up of the last couple of weeks. The kids had some time to run around and have some lunch and then it was their nap time.
My husband, at this point, had done a nice job with his chores and was itching to play his video game. It actually worked for me cus I was itching to go hit up some places for Halloween costumes! These are the kind of things, I prefer to do myself. When Im on these kind of tasks, I get in my own head with all the thought, of how I want things pulled off. I dont want to hear a whine or my husband sighing because he is ready to be done shopping..haha.
After, a few stops, I had Finns costume and a plan on how to finish shopping for the little miss tomorrow. Our play group actually has a playdate tomorrow, so its gonna be an early start and crunch to get it all done. He is going as a knight and she will be raggedy ann..his being a lot easier than hers, I tell ya. I got her inspiration on pinterest, Im excited to see how my own version turns out. Im not gonna even attempt to copy because that never works for me..I view pinterest projects as play by ear music..haha.
This evening we made a venture over to my friend Lucy's house. She is the best mom I know. Does all her research on everything they do but with her being as nurturing as she chooses to be, it hasnt allowed for much alone time since her 1st was born almost 4 years ago! We were finally able to talk them into letting us keep their precious littles tonight. I thought it would be difficult, watching 5 kids under 5 years old. It wasnt! I loved it! Im sure its in partial to the fact, I adore her children but we genuinely had a great time with them! Not to mention they do a great job of entertaining one another.
Finally, we are home. Everyone is in bed asleep but me. I tell ya, I wake each morning, with the full intention to go to bed as early as possible the following night. Im even always tired enough to. However, when I get the kids cleaned up and to bed, the house gets quiet, I get control of the tv and some time to keep my sanity for the next day. I always get so absorbed in it every night that I have trouble telling myself it's time to go to bed. Im more than sure many moms out there totally relate to this! In fact, once I finish this, I believe I'll warm myself up some hot chocolate and watch an episode or two(or 5) of Everybody Loves Raymond. Dont judge! I know it's old but I love comedy. Growing up, my dad always had charge of the remote and refused to watch running sitcoms..It was always movies or a show about a subject I had nooo interest in. So Ive spent a good portion of my adulthood so far, making up for all the shows I wanted to watch growing up.
I believe that is all I have for you today! G'night
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