Up waaay too late! Im finding it difficult to get sleepy and relax my mind enough to go to sleep. Seems the more going on in my day life the longer I stay awake at night thinking about it. I need to come up with some kind of system or routine that will calm my thoughts when I lay down at night. Im sure other moms can agree.
I spent the evening in the hall closet and came out of that with 2 boxes and a large Target bag of items to get rid of. This on top of the 3 boxes of Finn clothes! Maybe Ill make some nice spending cash. Spending cash that will in turn probably be used for a tent for a big group camping trip Oct 20th.
Today, is also the day of my kidney stone procedure. I think thats my biggest sleep pusher. The anxiety of having a procedure done under anesthesia does help. But I figure maybe that will help make up for loss of sleep. They are gonna knock me out anyways! The only issue is I had to stop consumption of food and drink at midnight. So now at 4:30am, the hunger is creeping in. If I was sleeping like Im SUPPOSE to be doing, this wouldnt be noticed! UGH!
I guess since Im here I can answer one of the survey questions from here: http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=8488891101189008465#editor/target=post;postID=7673942867893345756
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
I think I would choose Orlando. I would love to be back working for the mouse again. When I was there last, I loved my job. I loved the people I worked with, I loved meeting those who came to the park(I worked in Animal Kingdom, driving the train in Africa). Best part was meeting the Make-A-WIsh families. Being able to help in making their experience magical was amazing! I think now that Im at a different time in my life, if I were to work there again, I would most aim to work my way into the wedding services. I want to be one of those big shot wedding planners and I think making it happen from there would be a dream come true! Not to mention giving a girl her perfect Cinderella wedding to send her and her beloved into their blissful future would be pretty rewarding.
Ok, I must be off to bed and I must make myself sleep this time. Those kiddies are gonna be up offly early. Feel free to take that list of questions to your blog to answer! Just let me know you did! Id love to read what others put! I got it from a fellow blogger and loved reading through their answers!
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