Saturday, October 13, 2012

Our Saturday

The "Stone Path" lead out of the house today! Im still sore but we were all getting cabin fever. The kids were just getting so bored with being home, Also, I kept reading about othe families plans for the weekend on facebook and it didnt help. So we woke up and went with it. Some close friends of ours were attending a festival in a nearby town and their daughter was going to be dancing with her class..Im sorry but when Im told tiny girls in tutus are gonna be performing. Im gonna be there. I still got a while for Lorelai to be doing those things, so its a tide over. So we went for the dancing and then walked around the festival and looked at all the booths. After we walked down the road to a Taco Shop and had some delicious lunch. After that we parted ways. Our family decided to go to Target. Finn received a gift card for his birthday so we thought we'd see what we can find. He ended up with 2 shirts and his first package of pullups. While there, we shopped to no avail for a winter coat for Lorelai and took a walk through the Halloween section. Daddy seemed to enjoy and play more there than the kids but eh..adults are just grown up kids, right? Upon leaving there we stopped a a kids clothing store in the area and found a perfect coat for the little miss. The problem was with Target all the ones that I liked were some kind of animal skin lined. It was all fake but I just never feel right about promoting it. Now Im not some crazy vegan or anything. I just dont believe in how the animal skin industry tends to go. Ive seen videos and done my research and so much illegality tends to go on to obtain some of it. Im a use the whole animal kind, kill it for food and use the skin for things we need, if you live somewhere that the temperatures make it so fur is actually necessary just as long as its obtained humanely Im good king of girl ..haha. I hate the idea of animals suffering for a fashion statement. Dont worry I still like a great hamburger off the grill. like I said I just want it to come to me humanely.

Anyway, I strode a little off topic there, eh? Anyway the coat is adorable and we found matching knit cap and gloves to match. After leaving there, we decided to stop at our friend's from earlier for a bit. We were there about an hour, I guess, when the kids started getting grumpy and tired. Not to mention. our son wouldnt stop torturing there cat cus he is a 2 year old crazy little boy ..haha. We came home where the entire family took a nap. The rest of the evening was just spent home, eating some leftovers.

Tomorrow, however, is definetly cleaning day! Since I was down a couple days, it looks like my husband and kids, had a party! Hope the hubs wasnt planning on video games tomorrow!

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