Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday...far from lazy day!

My feet hit the floor running about 8:30 this morning. I got up to see what I could get done before the kids woke to mess it all up. I was kind enough to let the hubs sleep since he has taken care of me since the procedure. By 11:00, one by one everyone awoke. Breakfast was served and then it was back to chores.

While the cleaning needed to be done in the worse way, we were also getting desparate for some groceries. So I made the deal with my husband, I take the kids to the store with me, you finish living room and kitchen( I knew before I made it he would opt out of kids...after doing a lot of their care this week I know he was ready to pull his hair out).

The kids and I made the 2nd trip in 2 days to our neighborhood Target, to get our groceries.
About an hour later, we were headed back home. We unloaded the van, I put everything up, which always includes reorganizing the pantry from the messing up of the last couple of weeks. The kids had some time to run around and have some lunch and then it was their nap time.
My husband, at this point, had done a nice job with his chores and was itching to play his video game. It actually worked for me cus I was itching to go hit up some places for Halloween costumes! These are the kind of things, I prefer to do myself. When Im on these kind of tasks, I get in my own head with all the thought, of how I want things pulled off. I dont want to hear a whine or my husband sighing because he is ready to be done shopping..haha.
After, a few stops, I had Finns costume and a plan on how to finish shopping for the little miss tomorrow. Our play group actually has a playdate tomorrow, so its gonna be an early start and crunch to get it all done. He is going as a knight and she will be raggedy ann..his being a lot easier than hers, I tell ya. I got her inspiration on pinterest, Im excited to see how my own version turns out. Im not gonna even attempt to copy because that never works for me..I view pinterest projects as play by ear music..haha.
This evening we made a venture over to my friend Lucy's house. She is the best mom I know. Does all her research on everything they do but with her being as nurturing as she chooses to be, it hasnt allowed for much alone time since her 1st was born almost 4 years ago! We were finally able to talk them into letting us keep their precious littles tonight. I thought it would be difficult, watching 5 kids under 5 years old. It wasnt! I loved it! Im sure its in partial to the fact, I adore her children but we genuinely had a great time with them! Not to mention they do a great job of entertaining one another.
Finally, we are home. Everyone is in bed asleep but me. I tell ya, I wake each morning, with the full intention to go to bed as early as possible the following night. Im even always tired enough to. However, when I get the kids cleaned up and to bed, the house gets quiet, I get control of the tv and some time to keep my sanity for the next day. I always get so absorbed in it every night that I have trouble telling myself it's time to go to bed. Im more than sure many moms out there totally relate to this! In fact, once I finish this, I believe I'll warm myself up some hot chocolate and watch an episode or two(or 5) of Everybody Loves Raymond. Dont judge! I know it's old but I love comedy. Growing up, my dad always had charge of the remote and refused to watch running sitcoms..It was always movies or a show about a subject I had nooo interest in. So Ive spent a good portion of my adulthood so far, making up for all the shows I wanted to watch growing up.
I believe that is all I have for you today! G'night

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