Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday Tot School

Just wanted to share Finns activity for this afternoon. He tends to take a lot shorter naps than his sister, so in order to keep him kinda quiet for her, I use activities to keep him occupied and tease his little brain at the same time:). Hopefully later I can post pictures of everything in action. I stayed up last night trying to decide on something fun to do with him today. This is what I came up with.
First of all, we have spent this month working a lot on Ps and Os..O=October and P=pumpkin. I created this so he can also match by colors and size.
For a little more matching fun, I made a page of matching pumpkins and leaves and again I made them different colors and sizes. The leaves also have to be turned the correct direction. The bottom page I drew for him to color in.
Ill be sure to get pictures of him working on it.
Right now we are getting ready to leave the house. I have to have pre-op lab work done today. Thursday I am going in for a procedure. Apparently, my right kidney has a stone in it that is too large to pass on its own. They want to break it into gravel so that it will pass through, finally. Over the last couple of years, Ive had problems with kidney stones. Im anxious for them to remove some of this so they can find what they are made of. Which means Im sure there will be diet changes soon. Although that probably needed to happen anyways.
So I am off to finish dressing my littles and trying to get out the door!


  1. what great activities for your kids! "p's" and "o's" also are the main components of the word "poop" which according to my three year old is one of the best words ever invented ;)

  2. HaHa! Well since we are trying to get a start on potty training, hopefully that will benefit us! Gotta love little boys!
